Fashion & Styling for Working MOMS… BusinessFashionFood for thoughtMomsStyle Fashion & Styling for Working MOMS… Being a working mother can be a challenging task that requires juggling many responsibilities, from…janine3rd May 2023
The importance of style and image in the business world. BusinessFashionFood for thought The importance of style and image in the business world. In today's competitive business world, it is essential to create a professional image that reflects…janine14th March 2023
In today’s world, appearance matters. Fashion In today’s world, appearance matters. The way you dress, carry yourself and present yourself is essential, whether it's for personal…janine3rd March 2023
Why is STYLE Personality so important? Fashion Why is STYLE Personality so important? Knowing your STYLE personality often helps you to see how others see you and what…janine21st September 2021
Business interview on Womens day Radio Business interview on Womens day When you receive a unexpected call from your local community radio station to request an…janine9th August 2021